
Showing posts from September, 2012

Jidanul Kissinger despre Israel

3. Kissinger: No More Israel in 10 Years New York Post columnist Cindy Adams asserts that former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger predicted the end of the state of Israel within 10 years. Adams does not specify when or where Kissinger made that statement. But she writes: “Middle East horror. Democratic Party dissing Jerusalem. DC’s anti-Israel mentality. Obama, busy raising re-election funds, no time for beleaguered Netanyahu. The Oval Office attitude versus the Red Line. Iran’s oath to destroy our only friend in that part of the world. “Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.’ “I repeat: ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.‘"

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Jidanul Isus a fost casatorit

'The Gospel Of Jesus' Wife,' New Early Christian Text, Indicates Jesus May Have Been Married Posted: 09/18/2012 1:55 pm Updated: 09/19/2012 4:18 am 193 17 2,624 10226 Get Religion Alerts: Sign Up React: Amazing Inspiring Funn
ALIANTA NATIONALA ESTE O MASCARADA EUROPEANO-LEGIONARO- JUDEO-CRESTINA. de Dr.Constantin Burlacu Vazand ca fenomenul legionar nu mai are mare cautare si efect asupra Natiunii Romane, pentru ca este prezentat in mod denaturant de falsi nationalisti, cei de la organizatiile Pro-Viata, Asociatia Victimelor Mineriadelor din Romania si partidul Totul Pentru Tara, au hotarat de cateva luni infiintarea unei platforme politice de dreapta, intitulata Alianta Nationala. Aceasta organizatie civica de dreapta si-a expus principiile si formele de adeziune pe Web-situl Chestiunea cu dreapta, ar fi in regula si necesara,mai ales ca pretinde ca “Promoveaza valorile autentice de dreapta” si ca “Sustine interesele reale ale Romaniei intr-o Europa si o lume a natiunilor”.   Dar citind si studiind mai bine statutul de functionare al acestei Aliante Nationale, rezulta cu totul altceva si anume: aceasta Alianta Nationala, este de fapt o platforma civica de dr