
Showing posts from January 27, 2014


Un chinez intra intr-un magazin al unui evreu sa cumpere sutiene negre marimea 38. Evreul, cunoscut pentru indemanarea in afaceri, zice ca sutienele negre sunt rare si ca le aprovizioneaza cu greu. Ca urmare, cere $50.00 pentru o pereche. Chinezoiul cumpara 25 de perechi. Se intoarce dupa cateva zile si mai comanda 50 de perechi. De data asta evreul ii cere $60.00 pentru fiecare pereche. Dupa o luna, chinezul vine din nou si cumpara stocul ramas de sutiene negre, 50 bucati, si plateste de data asta $75.00 perechea. Evreul e cam derutat de cererea mare de sutiene negre marimea 38 si-l intreaba pe chinez "...te rog, spune-mi - ce faci cu toate sutienele astea negre?" Chinezul raspunde: "Le tai in doua si vi le vand voua evreilor drept Kippa (skull cap), cu $200.00 bucata." asta-i motivul pentru care Chinezii ne stapanesc! Business is Business!  

Lessons for Shove Guv Andrew Cuomo

Not so fast, Andrew Cuomo. We see what you did there. After publicly bashing conservative New Yorkers as "extreme" people who have no place in his state, the intolerant Democratic governor wants to blame the media for his unmistakable contempt for those who oppose abortion, support gun rights and defend traditional marriage. Newsflash: Crapweasel politicians can backtrack and scapegoat, but they can't hide. When he railed against socially conservative Republican candidates in a radio interview last week, Cuomo hyperbolically singled out those he called "right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay" citizens. Sounding unapologetically purge-tastic, the governor said these political opponents "have no place in the state of New York, because that's not who New Yorkers are." His bigoted comments provoked a fierce social-media-driven backlash led by devout Catholics and Second Amendment activists in the Empire State. And now, he'

2 Words Obama Doesn’t Want You to Know

Dear GOPUSA Reader, There are 2 words -- just 2 words -- that Obama, Congress and Corporate America hope you’ll never realize. But, as you’ll see in this very brief video, these 2 simple words could help keep the government out of your life for good, no matter what stupid laws they pass (ahem… Obamacare…) Find out what these 2 words are, right here , and discover just how you can make them work for you. Best, Doug Hill Director, Laissez Faire Club Subject: 2 Words Obama Doesn't Want You to Know Date: 1/23/2014 6:27:13 A.M. Eastern Standard Time From: To: Sent from the Internet (Details)