
Showing posts from October 19, 2015

Aşa ceva n-aţi mai auzit ! 54minute ascultati pana la sfarsit

Ce spune prof. univ. dr. Corvin Lupu Nu deschideţi dacă nu dispuneţi de 54 de minute libere GeoStroe 0722972522, tel:0214138434, Fundația Academia DacoRomână ”TDC” - FADRTDC, cu filiala Academia Zamolsiană ”Primii în timp” în Traian Ialomița; Blocul Unitatea Națiunii - BUN Partidul României Europene - P.R.E. va deveni Partidul Dacilor Liberi - D.L. SC.Tempus DacoRomânia ComTerra SRL - Editura DacoRomână ”TDC”

My rollercoaster visit to Chongqing, China ...

Dear Constantin, OK, if you saw my email yesterday, hopefully you have already watched my third video ... and have acted on it. If you didn't see it, please watch it now . I was excited when I got here. But I'm even more excited now. It makes a big difference to actually put your feet on the ground and explore an investment opportunity like this first hand. Incredibly, most people in the financial business never even leave their desks! That's probably why the new Silk Road is still a "hidden" opportunity. Nobody else has bothered to come out here and discover what's really happening. For myself, this trip has been a game-changer. I have already made some significant changes to my own portfolio. And once I get home I'll be sharing my thoughts and recommendations with my readers. But first, I would love for you to watch the third and final video . This is where you discover what to do, and how to do it. This is w

Who will save Germany?

Thursday, October 8, 2015 Dear Constantin, My cycles research is virtually screaming that Phase II of this great government debt crisis — the phase in which the European Union ultimately defaults on its debts — has begun. Just as I've warned, the era in which governments could amass unpayable debts with impunity has ended. And the era in which mankind pays the price for those debts has begun. Could the VW scandal be the straw that breaks Europe's back? For years now; ever since the European debt crisis first raised its ugly head; most talking heads have assured us that Germany — the economic engine of the EU — would save the day. But now, the question see