
Showing posts from 2017

NICOLAE IORGA: HOHENZOLLERN sunt EVREI. Asta ar explica multe despre “Casa Regala” a Romaniei Posted in Uncategorized by saccsiv on Iulie 15, 2016 nicolae-iorga2 Foto: Am primit pe e-mail: Decembrie 1938. Evreii din Capitală şi ȋn special membrii Lojei desfiinţate a Marelui Orient, comentează în toate împrejurările, cu tendinţa de a se difuza în cercuri cât mai largi, următoarele: Consilierul Regal N. Iorga ar fi adus grave ofense Suveranului într-o şedinţă a Academiei, când preşedintele acestei înalte instituţii propusese ca toţi academicienii să se înscrie în bloc în „Frontul Renaşterii Naţionale” (înfiinţat de Carol al II-lea la 16 decembrie 1938, în locul partidelor politice declarate clandestine).În acel moment, N. Iorga s-a ridicat, spunând că îl surprinde ca tocmai preşedintele să facă o atare propunere

Circ macabru și "doliu național" cu o falsă regină, fără cetățenie română dar jidanca

Image Majestatile Lor Regina Ana si Regele Mihai I participa la ceremonia de decorare a Principesei Margareta, cu Ordinul Legiunii de Onoare in grad de Cavaler, de catre ambasadorul Frantei, Henri Paul, la resedinta acestuia din Bucuresti, vineri, 16 octombrie 2009. INTACT IMAGES/Jurnalul National/Karina Knapek ADEVĂRURI ASCUNSE DESPRE PRINCIPESA ANA DE BOURBON – PARMA, CĂSĂTORITĂ EITEL VON HOHENZOLLERN – SIGMARINGEN, CARE NU A AVUT CETĂŢENIE ROMÂNĂ, NU A FOST REGINĂ A ROMÂNIEI ŞI CARE A ACŢIONAT PENTRU DEZMEMBRAREA TERITORIALĂ A ŢĂRII NOASTRE! A FOST SAU NU A FOST INCINERATĂ ÎN ELVEŢIA DOAMNA ANA DE BOURBON – PARMA, CĂSĂTORITĂ EITEL VON HOHENZOLLERN – SIGMARINGEN?  

Seful Casei Regale, fiul unui ilegalist jidano-comunist care l-a alungat din tara pe "regele Mihai"  Prezentat drept Şeful Casei Regale, mai precis Şeful Casei Majestatii Sale Regelui Mihai I, începând cu anul 2006, membru al Consiliului Regal, Andrew Popper este unul dintre personajele al cărui trecut biografic a fost în ultimii ani învăluit în mister. FLUX 24 dezvăluie in exclusivitate câteva amănunte explozive din biografia neromanţată a familiei lui Andrew Popper. Andrew Popper a fost cel care in numele Casei Regale a facut public in 2 martie diagnosticul Regelui Mihai si a anuntat ca acesta s-ar afla intr-o stare foarte grava. Andrew Popper este fiul Lidiei (Zeltzer, sau Seltzer) şi al lui Armand Popper, născut în 1916, fost comunist ilegalist, asistentul lui Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu, ministrul justitiei după august 1944.

This Week in News for Senator Rand Paul - October 20, 2017

From: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent: 10/20/2017 6:04:17 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time Subj: This Week in News for Senator Rand Paul - October 20, 2017     Dear Friend, Below, you can find my latest update from my week on Capitol Hill! Dr. Rand Paul Stands Up for Fiscal Responsibility Last night, I released the following statement after voting against H. Con. Res.

Primul act terorist in Romania comis de 3 jidani

Astăzi se știe clar (chiar dacă presa evită cât poate să vorbească despre asta) că sistemul social și politic comunist este o invenție evreiască. Mai mult decât atât, se știe cu certitudine că evreii sunt autorii principali ai Revoluției Bolșevice din Imperiul Țarist, că Lenin și 75% dintre acoliții lui erau evrei, că Partidul Comunist Român a fost, atât la înființarea lui în anul 1921, cât și la preluarea puterii după Al Doilea Război Mondial, format majoritar din evrei!!! Cu alte cuvinte, Lumea le datorează în principal evreilor teroarea bolșevică și abuzurile comunismului.

Michelle Malkin Tweeted: Orwellian comment from OCCA staffer: "[R]ules are written by the court and the court can override their own rules."

From: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent: 7/26/2017 2:01:11 P.M. Hawaiian Standard Time Subj: Michelle Malkin Tweeted: Orwellian comment from OCCA staffer: "[R]ules are written by the court and the court can override their own rules."

No border, no country

From: To: Sent: 7/16/2017 9:44:33 A.M. Hawaiian Standard Time Subj: No border, no country Constantin– As President Trump said a lot on the campaign trail, “If you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country.” Tea Party Patriots agree with that 100%, which is why we supported him over Hillary “open borders” Clinton and the multinational corporations backing her (they have an unquenchable thirst for cheap labor from south of the border). President Trump is putting his words into

Marx si Engels, doi homosexuali care au distrus lumea. Bazele marxismului. Corespondenta din SUA de la Capitanul Julian Chitta

Bazele marxismului           de Julian Chitta In anul 1983, revista homosexualilor din Brazilia, “Cabinhero”, care inseamna “baiat de cabina”, comemora 100 de ani de la moartea lui Karl Marx, cu o serie de articole extrem de socante. “Cabinhero”, ori baiat de cabina, era o functie de ucenic marinar pe multe din vasele trans-oceanice, supusa capriciilor capitanilor, a ofiterilor de punte, si a sefilor de echipaj. Aceste functii erau notorii pentru abuzul sexual brutal suferit de astfel de adolescenti care, in speranta de a deveni marinari, acceptau o viata in infern. In primul plan, editorii revistei au definit lucrarile lui Marx drept extrem de semnificative pentru societatea moderna. In aceste articole se afirma ca opera lui Marx a fost cu mult mai “importanta decat cea a lui Iisus Hristos, afectand cu mult mai multi oameni”, calificand cuplul homosexual Karl Marx, (1818-1883) si Friedrich Engels, (1820-1895) drept cea mai ilustra pereche de “gay”, (homosexuali) care

State of the Union

Constantin, Before President Trump delivers his biggest speech to date, he wants you to provide your input on the direction of our country. He is taking the podium to voice your concerns, thoughts, and opinions about the state of our nation, and more importantly, to lay out a bold plan for our future as Americans. Please take the STATE OF THE UNION SURVEY before 10PM EST TONIGHT to help shape the message of President Trump’s biggest speech yet. President Trump ran for president because he couldn’t stand to see what was happening to the greatest country in the history of mankind. You -- and millions of other hardworking citizens who love America -- agreed that our country was on the wrong path and banded together to form a movement the likes of which the world had never seen. But our fight to save America didn’t end on election night. It’s just now getting started. It’s time to show the country that our positive America First platform can

Personal Liberty: Communism is alive and well

From: Reply-to: To: Sent: 2/20/2017 4:16:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Personal Liberty: Communism is alive and well Communism is alive and well Constantin, thanks for subscribing since 04/03/2015. White List Us     Unsubscribe Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser Latest From Bob Livingston February 20, 2017

I need you to read this, Constantin

From: To: Sent: 2/11/2017 6:45:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: I need you to read this, Constantin Dear Constantin, It's vital the National Right to Work Committee hears from you today on this critical issue. So please, read the letter below and take action at once. Without the support of Americans like you, the fight for worker freedom would be near impossible. Thank you for your support, Steve Forbes ------Begin forwarded message------ Dear Constantin, Right on cue. The union bosses and their allies on Capitol Hill are hoping to maintain a four-four deadlock on the Supreme Court by filibustering Judge Gorsuch. And at this time the votes are not there to break that filibuster . Even before President Donald Trump announced Judge Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, Big L

Germany leads EU rebuke on Israeli land snatch

From: To: Sent: 2/9/2017 3:32:14 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Germany leads EU rebuke on Israeli land snatch   If problems viewing, open email in browser or switch to plain text format. Advert Juncker and Tusk to discuss Europe’s future and its citizens - Join EU leaders gathering in Florence for The State of the Union, 4-6th May 2017. Germany leads EU rebuke on Israeli land snatch Today Germany and France have spoken out in strident terms against Israel’s plan to confiscate privately-owned Palestinian land by legalising settler outposts. Read on » Balkan states to introduce more anti-migrant controls Today Ministers from 15 nations in Europe vowed to impose additional border controls along the Western Balkan route to further stem migratory flows from Greece. Read on » 'Sobering' poll finds European support for Trump's Muslim b

Your priorities

From: Reply-to: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent: 1/9/2017 9:28:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Your priorities   Constantin, In 10 days, your government will once again work for YOU. Now that the House, the Senate, and the White House will ALL be under Republican control, it’s time for you to help prioritize the policies we’re going to pass in 2017 to Make America Great Again! Inauguration Day is coming up fast, and I want to get to work the second I’m sworn in as your next president. Please complete your 2017 Priorities Survey immediately. >> I want to be sure that I’m starting my presidency fighting for you, and representing the issues you care about -- and that I’m doing it in the order you want. From draining the swamp of corruption to repealing and replacing Obamacare, cutting regulations, reforming our broken tax system, building the wall, and reducing our trade deficit, there

For you:

From: Reply-to: To: DACIALAN@AOL.COM Sent: 1/5/2017 5:06:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: For you:   Constantin, This could be yours -- and embossed in your name. Constantin Burlacu Please activate your 2017 Inaugural Membership by making a one-time contribution of $250, $100, $65, $50, $35, $20, or $10. Your membership will forever record the role you played on the first day of our new American government. January 2017 will mark the day that America once again became a country of, for, and by the PEOPLE. And even before I’m officially sworn in as your president, I’m already starting to work for you. We’re starting to bring your jobs back. We’re starting to strengthen our country. We’re starting to make America open for business again. But what you’ve seen so far won’t even come close to what WE will accomplish by working TOGETHER over the next four years.